Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A new Cheater!!

Son!a Cheater Knee-length Dress
A new dress added to the store in 12 different color-styles
Black Set : 4 colors, Solid and printed fabric phat pack package available

Son!a Cheater Dress
Bright Set : 4 Bright colors & printed fabric phat pack package available

Son!a Cheater Dress
Red Set : 4 colors solid & printed fabric phat pack package available

Resize Tutorial:
  1. Wear the skirt or item which name contains the phrase - "touch to resize" OR "click to resize" 
  2. touch the skirt a pop up menu will appear (blue color)
  3. select all prims if u want to increase or decrease the whole object
  4. select: this prim if you want to change the prim you clicked on and leave the rest as is

Always keep a backup copy

["Scale +1%", "Scale -1%", "Revert"]
This Prim->Scale +1%        This will increase this single prim in size by 1%
This Prim->Scale -1%         This will decrease this single prim in size by 1%
This Prim->Revert                  If you made a little mistake on this single prim, this will revert it back to the settings you bought your object with.
This Prim->Show prim          Blinks the prim you are about to alter a few times (nice to make sure its the correct one)
This Prim->Rotation             Gives you a menu to alter the child prims x,y and z rotation
This Prim->Move                   Gives you a menu to alter the child prims x,y and z position

All Prims->Pose->Start           Well, this allows you to strike the same pose you would normally be in when editing appearance. Quite useful to keep standing still without the use of a pose stand.
All Prims->Pose->Stop           Tired of standing still after pressing start? This will snap you back out of the pose.

All Prims->Restore->Store        This will revert all changes since the item changed owner.
All Prims->Restore->Last Rez   This will revert all changes since the item was last rezzed or worn.

All Prims->Delete                        This will remove al scripts from the item that are used for this tool. Remember if you do this you will not be able to modify it anymore (so be sure to make a copy first if possible).  Why would you want to use this then? Lag... All scripts use up sim resources, if you remove the scripts, the sim will lag less.

All Prims->Scale +1%/Scale +5%/Scale +10%  These will increase the total size of the object by 1 5 or 10%
All Prims->Scale -1%/Scale -5%/ Scale -10%    These will decrease the total size of the object by 1 5 or 10 %

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